Talks and presentations


Open-Source Prototyping for Systems Security Research
6th May, Poster @ KU Leuven Open Science Day (Belgium)

Proteus Extensible RISC-V Processor & Security Applications
5rd April, Rump session @ Annual Meeting of the working group on Formal Methods in Security (gt-mfs) (France)

Pandora: Principled Symbolic Validation of Intel SGX Enclave Runtimes
3rd April, Tool session @ Annual Meeting of the working group on Formal Methods in Security (gt-mfs) (France)

Hardware-Software Co-Design for End-to-End Security
11th March, Poster @ DRADS DistriNet Workshop (Belgium)

Architectural Mimicry: Innovative Instructions to Efficiently Address Control-Flow Leakage in Data-Oblivious Programs
6th March, Technical talk @ Huawei - KU Leuven research collaboration workshop (Belgium)

Formal methods to protect against Microarchitectural attacks
5th March, Guest lecture @ Seminar in Cybersecurity – KU Leuven (Belgium)

Architectural Mimicry: Innovative Instructions to Efficiently Address Control-Flow Leakage in Data-Oblivious Programs
27th February, Technical talk @ Binsec Webinar (online)

Formal methods to protect against Microarchitectural attacks
31st January, Guest lecture @ PEPR Sécurité winter school (France)


Beyond constant-time programming: Hardware-software co-designs for microarchitectural security
12th December, Invited talk @ Épicure Seminar (France)

Beyond constant-time programming: Hardware-software co-designs for microarchitectural security
6th December, Technical talk @ Cybersecurity Initiative Flanders (CIF) Review (online)

Architectural Mimicry: Innovative Instructions to Efficiently Address Control-Flow Leakage in Data-Oblivious Programs
23rd November, Technical talk @ SPLiTS seminar (France)

Beyond constant-time programming: Hardware-software co-designs for microarchitectural security
20th November, Invited talk @ Chalmers Security & Privacy Seminar (Sweden)

ProSpeCT: Provably Secure Speculation for the Constant-Time Policy
29th September, Invited talk @ SPLiTS inaugural security workshop (France)

ProSpeCT: Provably Secure Speculation for the Constant-Time Policy
10th September, Technical talk @ Topics in hArdware SEcurity and RISC-V workshop (TASER), co-located with CHES (Czech Republic)

ProSpeCT: Provably Secure Speculation for the Constant-Time Policy
23rd August, Paper presentation @ Usenix Security (USA)

ProSpeCT: Provably Secure Speculation for the Constant-Time Policy
9th June, Technical talk @ Orshin workshop at RISC-V Summit Europe (Spain)

ProSpeCT: Provably Secure Speculation for the Constant-Time Policy
18th March, Technical talk @ Annual Meeting of the WG Formal Methods for Security (France)

The Endless Battle Against Compilers for Security
14th February, Technical talk @ DistriNet LLVM Workshop (Belgium)


ProSpeCT: Provably Secure Speculation for the Constant-Time Policy
8th November, Technical talk @ Cybersecurity Initiative Flanders (CIF) Review (online)

Binsec/Rel Symbolic Binary Analyzer for Security
17th June, Invited talk @ Cryptography Research Center, Technology Innovation Institute (TII) (online)

Towards Secure Speculation for the Constant-Time Policy
6th June, Short talk @ SILM Workshop (Genoa, Italy)

Symbolic Binary-Level Code Analysis for Security
10th May, Invited keynote - PhD defense replay @ Rendez-Vous de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information (RESSI) (France)


Symbolic Binary-Level Code Analysis for Security
12th November, PhD defense (Inria Saclay, France)

Symbolic Binary-Level Code Analysis for Speculative Constant-Time
25th October, Technical talks @ TEE Group Tech Talk Series, KU Leuven (Belgium)

Efficient Relational Symbolic Execution for Constant-Time at Binary-Level with Binsec/Rel
17th June, Technical talk @ 20èmes journées Approches Formelles dans l’Assistance au Développement de Logiciels (online, in French)

Efficient Relational Symbolic Execution for Constant-Time at Binary-Level with Binsec/Rel
11th June, Technical talk @ 2nd International KLEE workshop on symbolic execution (online)

Efficient Relational Symbolic Execution for Speculative Constant-Time at Binary-Level
16th March, Invited talk @ 2021 meeting of the french research group on “formal methods for computer security” (online)

Experimental evaluation of a binary-level symbolic analyzer for Spectre: Binsec/Haunted
25th Feb, Invited talk @ LASER’21 workshop, colocated with NDSS’21 (online)

Hunting the Haunter – Efficient Relational Symbolic Execution for Spectre with Haunted RelSE
23rd Feb, Paper presentation @ NDSS 2021 (online)

Efficient Relational Symbolic Execution for Speculative Constant-Time at Binary-Level
8th Feb, Student talk @ Cyber in Saclay – Winter School in Cybersecurity (online)


Binsec/Rel: Efficient Relational Symbolic Execution for Constant-Time at Binary-Level
19th May, Paper presentation @ IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (online)


Binsec – A Binary Analysis Platform
7th December, Lightning talk @ Blackhoodie (Austria)

Binsec/Rel: Efficient Constant-Time Analysis of Binary-Level Code with Relational Symbolic Execution
12th November, Technical talk @ Security seminar UCSD (United-States)

Binsec/Rel: Efficient Constant-Time Analysis of Binary-Level Code with Relational Symbolic Execution
5th November, Technical talk @ ISI Cybersecurity Seminar (United-States)


Inferring OpenVPN State Machines Using Protocol State Fuzzing
23rd April, Paper presentation @ EuroS&P Workshops 2018 (SPIDA) (United-Kingdom)