About me
I am a postdoc at DistriNet, KU Leuven working in the group of Frank Piessens on hardware software co-designs for security. I am broadly interested in the application of formal methods for software and hardware security, including binary analysis, secure compilation, formalization of hardware security mechanisms, side-channel defenses, hardware verification, etc.
I defended my thesis, Symbolic Binary-Level Code Analysis for Security , on November 12th 2021. During my PhD, I developed Binsec/Rel, a tool to efficiently analyze cryptographic constant-time and secret-erasure at binary-level; and Binsec/Haunted, a tool to detect vulnerabilities to Spectre attacks. I did my PhD at CEA List under the supervision of Sébastien Bardin and Tamara Rezk.
Before that, I received a master degree in computer science in 2018 from the ENS Rennes and the University of Rennes 1 (France). You can have a look at my CV.
Awards and Grants
- I got awarded a 3-year Junior postdoctoral fellowship from FWO for my project Hardware-Software Co-Design for End-to-End Security.
- My PhD thesis received an award from Université Côte d’Azur.
- My PhD thesis received a distinction from the GDR Sécurité Informatique. Check the short video on their website (in French).
- In 2020, I received the fellowship “Jeunes Talents France” L’Oréal - UNESCO pour les femmes et la science for my work on automated program analysis for security. Press article from ENS-Rennes (in French).
Academic Service
- Program Chair:
- Co-chair of the workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS’24), co-located with CCS (2024)
- Co-organizer of the Annual meeting of the Working Group “Formal Methods for Security” (GT-MFS) (2024)
- Journal reviewer: ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) (2024), Peerj journal (2020)
- Conference PC: CCS’25, EuroS&P25, CSF’25, EuroS&P’24, CSF’24, DIMVA’23, CSF’23, DIMVA’22
- Workshop PC: PriSC’25, SysTEX’24, PriSC’25, SILM’23, RESSI’23, PriSC’23, PLAS’22, SILM’22
PhD jury member: Merve GÜLMEZ (2025), Brent De Blaere (2024), Ignacio Tiraboschi (2024), Swarn Priya (2023), Thomas Van Strydonck (2022).
- Artifact evaluation committee: CAV’22, PLDI’21, ACSAC’20
- Session chair: EuroS&P’22, ACSAC’20
- Sub-reviewer: S&P’25, Usenix’24, S&P’24, CCS’24, VMCAI’24, S&P’23, ESEC/FSE’22, CAV’22, ACSAC’22, DIMVA’21, ACSAC’21, BAR’20, SecDev’20
Research Visits
From September to November 2019, I was a visiting researcher at Information Science Institute (ISI), University of Southern California (USC), where I worked with Christophe Hauser.
During summer 2017, I did an intership with Erik Poll and Joeri de Ruiter at Radboud University (Netherlands) on Inferring OpenVPN State Machines Using Protocol State Fuzzing .
Interview for La Gazette du GDR Sécurité Informatique, Numéro 13, Novembre 2022 (in French)
- Article on the winter school Cyber in Saclay in La Gazette du GDR Sécurité Informatique, Numéro 8, Mars 2021 (in French)
- Impressions from the first ever online version of the Security and Privacy Symposium in Cipher Electronic Newsletter of the Technical Committee on Security & Privacy, May 29, 2020